This Rolling stool is the ultimate groomers companion. Designed to store a variety of tools, be easy to pull along with you to clients homes, grooming competitions and show venues, and provides a seat on the top to sit while grooming or waiting(like evaluation!). Very strong, very sturdy.
Made of a strong Aluminum frame with a removeable(velcro straps) nylon covering.
- Padded seat flips off to reveal carrying handle
- Locking Telescoping handle for pulling while you walk(up to 43.5" from floor)
- Rolling hair proof castor wheels that glide effortlessly
- 3 outside pockets 7" deep that hold 500ml bottles.
- expandable zipper door(like a suitcase) to increase carrying capacity
- inside door has 3 pockets with elastic straps above to hold combs, brushes,
- contains three shelves 11" deep by 8" wide(two are removeable) and one thick plastic pullout shelf that can sit on any of the 3 levels to provide quick access to your favorite items.
Note from Joanne: this is a very well made product, it will hold a lot of gear,