These 12-volt LED lights are pure white on white wire and are ideal for any kind of application where your power source is a 12 volt DC battery.
Our customers have used them in/on:
- Parades
- Camping
- Search and rescue
- Outdoor trees
- Boats
Each light string has a 15-foot extension cord with a male car accessory style plug, and the separate lit length of lights has proprietary low-current male and female end plugs,
These LED string lights are manufactured with 20 5mm (5mm) bulbs on green wire, with 6 inches of wire between each lens.
Run up to 30 of these light strings in series. Each light string is packaged with an extension cord that has a male accessory plug on one end and a custom plug on the other.
They are both moisture and weather-resistant and can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications safely.